Many reasons exist in which you might find yourself looking to sell your home quickly. When that time comes though, many of us don’t know how to quickly get rid of our homes. Much less, sell our homes quickly AND get a good price. Getting a good price for your home is essential no matter how quickly you are trying to sell.
Today we are going to look at a couple of ways to sell your home fast and get the best price possible. It is totally possible to do both and keep reading to find out how.
Use A Realtor And Target Specific People
A realtor knows all of the ins and outs of selling a home. That includes the legal processes that are involved in a sale. Having this knowledge allows the process to be much smoother and completed quicker. Trying to sell your home by yourself means that you will have to learn all of this and deal with separate people for each step of the process.
The other way that a realtor will come in handy is that they will be able to market your home to specific people. Property developers and those interested in specific home types should be the target of your property sales. These people will offer good prices and during negotiations you can often opt to have the sale completed as quickly as possible.
Just because you have a realtor working for you doesn’t mean that you can’t also market yourself. Reach out to those who you think might be interested in purchasing your home. Advertising on websites like Craigslist and performing research on the various existing real estate websites will help you to discover those who might be interested in purchasing your home.
Look To A Home Buying Company
Utilizing a realtor to sell your home will still take a longer amount of time to process than most people think. After you have lined up a buyer, it can still take 25 to 30 days on average to process the sale. If financing is involved, it may take even longer. With this in mind, if you need to sell your home quickly, look into using home buying companies.
Home buying companies are businesses that are interested in purchasing homes in order to make a profit. Sometimes that is to rent it out, sometimes that it to resell to developers, sometimes that is to make improvements and resell the house to a regular buyer. These companies often offer great prices in exchange for a quick sale.
In many cases you won’t be able to get a full price but you get a fair price in exchange for a quick sale. You also get the added benefit of not having to do any work to your home to get a fair price.
Congressional Home Buyers
When you live in the Washington DC area, you can turn to Congressional Home Buyers. For years now, Congressional Home Buyers has been the leading provider of home buying services in the DC area. They buy homes and offer fair prices for any size house.
Congressional Home Buyers has managed to set themselves apart from other companies in the industry not just by offering prices that you deserve but also a people first experience. Superior customer service in any industry will set a business apart. But what really makes Congressional Home Buyers stand out is the speed at which they work.
You can get an initial estimate for the offer on your house in 30 seconds. This is an offer that you can take but you can also schedule an appointment to have a Congressional Home Buyers employee visit your home to give you a better estimate. That can be done within 24 hours.
The whole sale can be completed within 10 to 30 days. That is a lot quicker than using a real estate agent and significantly quicker than trying to sell a house on your own.
When it comes time to sell your home, the quickest way to do it is through a home buyer company. And in the DC area, Congressional Home Buyers is the route to go. You will get a fair price and a sale done in half a month.